Monday, June 2, 2008

Prayers for Today and Tomorrow

Loved ones,

First, Ray has not had any more vomiting, praise the Lord. However, even with that he is getting dehydrated as he is not drinking very much or eating at all. We gave him IV fluids at the nutrition doctor today but he is still very weak. Please really pray for his strength and spirit. The doctor from Northwestern will see us tomorrow at 12:30. Please focus your prayers on us then. We are happy that we will start to get some idea about a treatment plan. But we need wisdom and guidance as they advise us, God's perfect timing in seeking second opinions while still speedily getting things started, and courage as we listen to what they have to say.

We also ask for prayer just for our family. They were pretty close to wanting to admit Ray today at CDH, they may want to do so at Northwestern. So we just need wisdom as to how to prepare the kids without really knowing all that is before us. We ask for moments together today that will rejuvenate the kids and us.

We ask for bolstering of our spirits. We ask for continued confidence in the Lord to halt the progress of this disease and heal Ray. And, through all this, that the Lord would carry Ray securely in his arms.

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders. Deut. 33:12

not afraid and not alone --
kristin and ray

PS Thank you for your continued emails. They feed our spirits.