Thursday, September 10, 2009

And then there was one

Loved Ones,

Maggie returned to preschool this week. Maggie's teacher knew Ray, we spoke in Nora's class two years ago about DC, so she knew Ray before he was even sick. And she is as close to a fairy princess as any preschool teacher I have ever seen. So I was excited about the year for Maggie. But Maggie had a hard time with school last year after Ray died, so we weren't sure exactly how it would go.

Here is the picture, and you can see for yourself.

I am so glad for God's healing hand for myself and the girls. Our grief and sadness for Ray are so big. We have a lot ahead. But I am so thankful to see healing and restoration along the way.

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1

not alone and not afraid --
