Friday, December 26, 2008


Loved Ones,

We are so glad to be home from the hospital tonight!!

Ray's fluid procedure went well. They pulled off lots of fluid and are sending us home with medicines to try to keep it from accumulating so quickly.

Ray is feeling just ok. The nurse was here for an hour tonight teaching us about the IV nutrition. It's a pump at night so Ray won't have to drag it around during the day which is great. Hopefully that will help Ray to get stronger.

It's a little scary coming home! At the hospital everything is monitored so closely. We will have to wean ourselves from the daily labs -- that was such a nice report every morning. Some of Ray's liver numbers are still going down. His bili though is up a tiny bit, his doctor thinks this may be from the IV nutrition, so we will just monitor that closely.

We are so grateful for our families. They have worked TIRELESSLY to help us come home. Our friends too, with presents and activities for the girls, helped to make the time while we were away more fun.

We pray for strength for all of us. We pray for peace, for wisdom, for guidance. We are joyful to be reunited. Still, the girls will have to have patience with the time demands of caregiving. And, we pray for good time for all of us to be together when Ray is feeling strong.

We beseech our God for restoration and healing for Ray.

"Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him for he achnowledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16

not alone and not afraid --

kristin and ray

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