Monday, December 29, 2008

Numbers Holding

Loved Ones,

We got the results from Ray's first labs since we went home. His liver numbers are holding. They are about the same as when we left the hospital. We were relieved to hear it. And his blood numbers: white blood cells, platelets, are all improving.

One of Ray's doctor's plans is to put Ray on a continuous low dose chemo pump from home. That was to begin today. Because of Ray's mouth sores however, she decided to hold chemo for today to give his mouth a bit more time to heal. We are not sure when it will begin.

Based on his numbers she will also determine the next date for his larger chemo dose. Since his blood numbers look good that may be sooner than later. But I don't even know what that means!! This may also be determined by his mouth sores.

So, for many reasons, most of all for relief (!), we pray for Ray's mouth to heal.

We are so glad Ray's numbers are holding. We pray for improvement! We pray for the IV nutrition to strengthen Ray. Most of all we pray for God to sustain Ray in every way by his very hand. And for his grace to hold up the rest of us as well.

We want to say also: thank you for your emails and for the many things that all of you have done to help us. I am still doing the best I can to respond as much as I can but we want you to know that even if you don't get a response, you are part of God's sustaining hand, your words, your calls, your gestures. Thank you for being part of that.

A friend sent a verse today about the Israelites in battle. They were afraid. But that day the Lord "thundered" in battle. And at the end of the story was this verse.

"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far has the LORD helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

A good verse for today.

not alone and not afraid --

kristin and ray

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