Sunday, November 30, 2008

Home From the Hospital

Loved Ones,

Thank you so much for your constant prayers and encouragement! It is so helpful to us.

We are home from the hospital and have many good things to report.

First, Ray tolerated the chemo well, no adverse reactions, praise the Lord! He is tired but that is to be expected. This new drug has done very well in trials and we are very excited about it.

Second, Ray's labs were better than we expected -- and many of his concerning symptoms from the past few days have already been alleviated. He was very dehydrated so it made a huge difference to get lots of fluids.

We are so thankful that he was able to get treatment underway. We praise the Lord that his liver enzymes were not as high as we had anticipated and look even better today.

We continue to pray for God's healing hand on Ray, healing his body, restoring his strength, and sustaining his heart and mind.

We love you all so much.

"I cried out to the Lord, and he heard me from his Temple in Jerusalem. Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely, for the Lord was watching over me." Psalm 3:4-5

not alone and not afraid --

kristin and ray

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