Saturday, October 13, 2018

Ray's 47th Birthday

Happy Birthday Ray!!

We've been thinking about Ray all fall. I want the girls to know more of Ray, more of his story and I've been digging in to the memories. He's constantly on our minds.

Maggie is doing a paper for school about children who have lost a parent. She interviewed me.

Ray, who he was and losing him to heaven so soon makes me who I am.

It influences every part of who I am as a mother -- and thus every part of who they will be.

I'm on a soccer trip with Maggie this weekend and the girls are with my mom and dad.

We've never been apart on Ray's birthday but such is life and today we are.

Never in the entire time of their soccer careers have they ever played on the South Side.

Tonight, Nora's game was at Marist High School - so near to Ray's Brother Rice.

There has been no question in my mind that Ray would be there with Nora while I was gone.

But I really missed him here in St. Louis.

I asked him if he could help Maggie with a birthday goal while she wore his lucky number 13 on October 13th, his birthday.

Game winner that goal!

As I drove out of the complex I saw a political sign. It wasn't until then that I realized that Maggie was playing in John Shimkus' district - Ray's boss.

One on the South Side. One in Shimkusland.

We needed Ray here too. And he was here.

Happy Birthday Ray. You're here with us everyday. But especially today.

not alone and not afraid --


"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants -- from this time on and forever," says the Lord." Isaiah 59:21

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The 9th Anniversary of Ray's Entrance to Heaven

Loved Ones,

Today marks nine years since Ray entered heaven. He will be ever-present in our thoughts.

In Ray's own words, it is a "Love without End." He loved that song by George Stait, he taught it to the girls and the pictures he loved the most are arranged in a folder with this name. The pictures I post today are from that folder.

We remember him always and we miss him so much today and everyday. I know he would be so proud of all the girls are doing in school, in soccer and in life! It is a grief for all of us that we can't share this with him - the good times and bad.

But, we know he watches over us, and we are grateful for every reminder of our connection still and the many memories we have when we were together.

We are so grateful for our family and friends - many who knew him - some who did not. We know that the love, empathy and prayers you so generously bestow on us are God's arms around us -- helping us to continue on in faithfulness with thoughts of Ray in our hearts.

not alone and not afraid -


"Comfort, comfort my people,
    says your God.
 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
    and proclaim to her
that her hard service has been completed,
    that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the Lord’s hand
    double for all her sins." Isaiah 40:1-2