Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Busy Day
Loved Ones,
Today was a good day. Ray is feeling pretty good. His appetite is dropping off but the real chemo fatigue has not yet hit.
We had lots of helpers today! Which was wonderful. Ray's sister, my mom and a special DC friend were extra hands to help out with all our tasks.
And we were glad to have them as Maggie and I spent time in the ER after a fall on her head followed by vomiting. All is well and we are thankful.
Tonight we pray for vigor beyond our own means! Our God is equal to this fight. Thankfully our own weakness is not a problem for him!
And, we pray that through each moment of our day we will be confident of our God's power to do the impossible.
"Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23
not alone and not afraid --
kristin and ray